When is the best time to visit Haida Gwaii?
One of the first questions we get is when should I visit Gwaii Haanas? The answer is not as straightforward as you may think.
It's time to celebrate Spring on Haida Gwaii & our communities.
Our local tours for Haida Gwaii residents are back! Explore Gwaii Haanas and its surrounding beauty at a discounted rate. Conditions apply.
Rose Harbour Balance at the Edge of the World
Leaving the world behind, the wind, rain or sun inviting you south, you enter the rich, turbulent waters of Houston Stewart Channel. Nestled deep in the heart of this channel is Rose Harbour, three hours by Zodiac boat from the nearest dirt road.
Moresby Explorers Awarded TripAdvisor Travellers Choice Award
We are stoked to announce that we finished off 2022 by being awarded a TripAdvisor Travellers Choice Award, given to attractions that consistently deliver excellent experiences. That means we've earned many positive reviews and ratings over the past year!
Let’s Talk About Sea Otters on Haida Gwaii
Did you know that there was an abundance of Sea Otters on Haida Gwaii until they were eradicated in the 1800s? Well, in 2019, we had our first sighting.
Kayaking Gwaii Haanas National Park Reserve
When I stumbled upon Gwaii Haanas National Park on Haida Gwaii in 2019, and was promised a route that was completely off the grid, I started to get excited. The more I read about the history of this incredible place, the more pumped I got.
Goodbye Summer, Hello Fall
This week marks the last week of our 2022 operating season, and boy, what a season it has been! The tides changed this year as we watched the doors to Haida Gwaii swing open, and many wondering people came to visit this magical place we call home.
Summer Is In Full Swing!
The summer brings stark contrast in a world of temperamental seas, wild winds and long nights. The winds take a breath, the seas rest, and the wildlife take advantage of the hot sun and longer days.
Tours Are Open!
We are excited to be back on the water and explore Gwaii Haanas. It’s incredible how defined the weather on Haida Gwaii is when the seasons change. We’ve seen the frosty morning slowly vanish and the seas calm to gentle swells.
Spring Time In Haida Gwaii
We have welcomed spring, and it's great to get back out on the water. It’s incredible how defined the weather on Haida Gwaii is when the seasons change. We’ve seen the frosty morning slowly vanish and the seas calm to gentle swells.